Monthly Archives: Aprile 2014

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29 Aprile 2014 by in category Time Off, Video

Yosemite is one of the largest and least fragmented habitat blocks in the Sierra Nevada, and the park supports a diversity of plants and animals. The park has an elevation range from 2,127 to 13,114 feet (648 to 3,997 m) and contains five major vegetation zones: chaparral/oak woodland, lower montane forest, upper montane forest, subalpine [...]

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29 Aprile 2014 by in category Audio, Productivity

Turn Your Speakers ON Author: metrolightmusic Source: The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context. Music ranges from strictly organized compositions (and their recreation in performance), through improvisational music to aleatoric forms. Music can be divided into genres and subgenres, although the dividing lines and relationships between [...]

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29 Aprile 2014 by in category Productivity, Remote Working, Time Management

Working remotely increases productivity! Economic well-being is created in a production process, meaning all economic activities that aim directly or indirectly to satisfy human needs. The degree to which the needs are satisfied is often accepted as a measure of economic well-being. The satisfaction of needs originates from the use of the commodities which are [...]

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